BMAI - Strategy   BMAI - Strategy
We contribute to your growth
1. Customer Insight and Engagement (CEs)
Exploring their hearts, minds and lives…
Unless you have a deep understanding of the customer context, what your customers think, believe and need, you cannot begin to develop an effective strategy to engage them.

We have spent many years understanding customers and have pioneered our measure of engagement—the Customer Engagement Score (CEs). We have worked with leading marketers and brands to unearth unexpected details about consumers, allowing clients to see their customers in a completely different light and helping them increase customer engagement. Our creative approaches to qualitative and quantitative research can help you gain insight into the hearts, minds and lives of your customers that will be truly surprising. We regularly work closely with our customer-centric clients to develop a plan that will deliver the kind of insight needed to build effective customer and brand strategies and achieve customer-led growth.

2. Member Insight and Engagement (MEs)
Deepening your understanding…
We have extended our expertise in measuring customer relationships to provide direction to member-based organizations to strengthen member loyalty, thereby driving organizational growth and helping organizations drive more value for their members. Our Member Engagement Score (MEs) captures the emotional connection of members to credit unions, trade and professional associations, and other member-based organizations and allows executives to assess where relationships are weak and where they are strong, pointing to strategic responses to improve engagement levels. The result is an improvement in member involvement, stronger member commitment, increased operational efficiency, and growth.

3. Keynotes
Stimulating, actionable ideas to drive customer centricity
Jim Barnes delivers keynote talks on timely, insightful topics relating to growing your business through effective customer strategy. We can help your management team connect the key concepts and begin to reach your customers in surprising new ways. We will demystify complex topics like value, service, loyalty and experience and help you see them differently and put them to profitable use.
Here’s a sample of keynotes that will get your management team, members, or channel partners thinking differently about how you deal with customers...  

4. Workshops and Seminars
Engaging your management team...
Are you facing a specific challenge? Let us build a custom-designed workshop or seminar that meets your unique needs. We offer half-day, one-day, two-day, or longer workshops and seminars that will allow your management team to dive deeply into building your customer or brand strategy. We will help you see your customers in a completely different way, one that will cement your relationships and deliver customer-led growth.
Here are examples of workshops that BMAI has delivered for management teams around the world... 

5. Customer and Brand Coach
Working with our clients to build their customer strategy…
Let us work closely with your management team to build a long-term growth plan for your organization, built around your unique customer strategy. We work closely with selected clients to take them through the process of building a customer strategy—playing the role of “customer coach.” Using the framework presented in our best-selling book Build Your Customer Strategy, we can help you develop an approach to dealing with customers that is unique to your organization and brand. Throughout the process and particularly as we work with you to roll out your customer strategy, we will work closely with you to identify the implications of your customer strategy for all departments of your business.

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