BMAI - Strategy   BMAI - Strategy
How We See Your World
There are certain key concepts and principles that reflect our view of the customer and contribute to how BMAI works with organizations to build a strategy to truly connect with their customers, members and other stakeholders. These reflect our unique view and our creative approach to building customer value, delivering impressive customer experiences, creating both short-term customer satisfaction and solid long-term relationships.

1. What they need to get done
We can’t build a genuine connection with customers unless we understand them and what they are trying to get done. What’s going on in their lives? What are they trying to accomplish? What does success look like to them? The job of your organization is to help them get the job done, to feel good about themselves, and look good in the eyes of others. Do your customers or members give you some credit for their success?

2. Oxymorons of Customer Experience
These seemingly self-contradictory concepts reflect our unique view of how organizations should think about their customers and deliver valuable, meaningful and (occasionally) memorable customer experiences. We really do understand what impresses customers and what it takes to truly connect with them. Ask us about Planned Spontaneity, Future Memories and Proactive Hindsight.

3. The Almost Customer
A great deal of business is lost because companies don’t pay enough attention to customers who have already decided to buy but never complete the purchase. Some firms regularly make it so difficult to deal with them that customers walk out without buying, hang up in disgust, or head for a competitor’s website. How many “almost customers” are you losing today?

4. The Powerful Notion of “FIT”
We regularly hear from customers that they resent being made to “feel like a number”, when their interaction with an organization is completely impersonal. We focus on “fitting” the product, experience or solution to the customer. Customers are impressed when they are singled out for personalized, customized attention. Do you help your customers fit in and feel a part of your organization?

5. Celebrating Small Milestones
As customers live their lives, they experience a series of what we call “small milestones”—events that mark the progression of time and the transition from one life stage to the next—getting a first driver’s licence, going off to college, moving to a new job, retiring. They represent opportunities to help customers “celebrate” and ease the transition. Let us help you build your “small milestones” strategy.

6. Why little things aren’t so little
Over time, the “little things” that you do or don’t do in dealing with customers have the potential to become irritants; they detract from the quality of your product and service. They contribute to a negative customer experience. You may not notice the “little things”, but your customers certainly do. Do you know what “little things” are getting in the way of engaging your customers?

7. What they’re NOT expecting
Organizations spend a lot of time trying to understand what customers expect. Our experience has led us to conclude that customer expectations are bounded and predictable. It’s addressing what they are not expecting that will be truly impressive. Your customers are not expecting to be surprised. Are you surprising your customers with a “nice touch” every now and then?

8. Be proactive, anticipate what they need
Customers tell us all the time that they welcome meaningful, proactive contact. They like it when organizations reach out to them, rather than waiting for them to call. But, the contact must be meaningful and not just a sales call. Such proactive contact allows you to engage them in conversation, to head off problems, to look after things. How often do you show your customers that you are looking out for them?

9. Historic Customer Value
Our research consistently reveals that loyal, long-standing customers are well aware of the contribution they have made to the success of your firm. They feel they deserve some recognition and appreciation. Customers appreciate it when their loyalty to a company or brand is acknowledged. In fact, you owe it to them. Do you acknowledge your long-term customers and continue to engage them?

10. Living Your Brand
Your reputation is influenced by every interaction that customers have with your staff. In fact, the most important aspect of your customer experience is when customers interact with your employees. The success of your brand lies largely in the hands of employees who have more influence over how customers feel about you than does the marketing department. Human Resources must be a partner in your customer and brand strategy.

11. The Power of Customer Conversation
We are intrigued by the volume of human conversation that is devoted to customers’ interactions with organizations and brands. We estimate that as much as 60% of conversation deals with products, brands and service. Right now, some of your customers are talking about you, telling stories about their experience dealing with you. Do you know what they are saying? Give them something impressive to talk about. Think about how you can deliver story-worthy customer experiences.

12. Price is something you earn
Many organizations have a very hard-sided view of price, seeing it as an accounting concept, as something we charge our customers. Truly customer-centric organizations understand the difference between price and value, and see price as something we earn by offering appropriate value. Do you and your employees set out to earn your price every day?

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